Good news, OJO gang – Street Casino is back for another series! Every month, our wonderful host Andy is hitting the streets of London to test the public with even crazier challenges. There’s a lot riding on them, with cash prizes and OJO goodies up for grabs. How did they get on? There’s only one way to find out!

Game, set and match!

As part of our Summer of Sport campaign, we challenged OJOers to a game of tiny tennis. Can they ace it and score a prize?

Who can score a prize?

To celebrate England reaching the final of the Euros, Andy challenged the public to emulate Harry Kane in a penalty shootout. The more goals they score, the more prizes they win!

Axe Throwing challenge

In our next episode, we went medieval! Andy donned his helmet and risked his life (not really!) as players threw axes at the target. Don’t worry, no Andys were harmed in the making of this video!

Pin Swing challenge

We swung into the new series by having a ball – it’s not as dirty as it looks, we promise! Reckon you could’ve beaten this lot?


Aviva is the Content Manager at PlayOJO and writes blogs, copy and all things OJOey. A copy/content marketer for over 7 years, she gets her creative juices flowing by singing, dancing (around her living room), and belly laughing regularly.