From time to time, we’ll ask you to send us a verification document or two, just to check you are who you say you are and that all our details match.

We recommend getting these uploaded as soon as you can - that way you’ll enjoy uninterrupted playtime!






ID Card (Government Issued)


  • カラーの書類
  • 有効期限内の書類
  • 顔写真付きであること
  • 書類全体が表示されている
  • •四隅が切れていないこと
Proof of ID Sample for Verification



Utility Bill (Gas, Water, Electricity)

Alternatively, a Bank Statement


  • カラーの書類
  • 名義が一致している
  • 住所の記載がある
  • 発行から3か月以内
  • Show logo of the company/bank
Comparison of valid and invalid documents indicating the proof of address

Bank Card

If you choose to make a deposit with a bank card, we will require a copy of the card. This step is necessary only once per bank card used. If you continue to use the exact same card, you won't need to complete this step again.



  • 表面:カード番号の最初の4桁と最後の4桁を表示したもの。
  • 裏面:CVV(3桁の数字)を隠したもの
  • Cover the 8 middle digits of the card number
  • •四隅が切れていないこと
Credit Card Sample Photo for Verification
Credit Card Sample Photo for Verification

Submitting docs is easy and you only need to do it once. Simply go to your “My Account” section and click on the “Upload Documents” tab. We’ll ask for additional document uploads if you’ve used a new payment method or changed your personal information (address, name, etc…). Ping the OJO Crew if you need any help.

We check documents as quickly as possible, usually less than 12 hours. It could take longer if extra verification is needed, so if you haven’t heard from us within 48 hours, give the OJO crew a shout.


詳細はこちら >